PRO GX, a very high resolution videoscope

The BIPOL PRO Gx videoscope is a fully portable system made of a high-resolution CMOS camera (up to 1080P) mounted on a motorized articulated probe with 4-way articulation. Images and videos are displayed on a large 5” high-definition touch screen. This videoscope offers high resolution, strong illumination adjustable on 6 levels and excellent image quality with no loss of resolution on saved files.

The videoscope has, in addition to its high resolution and high-definition screen, many functions that improve the quality of images and videos:

  • An anti-glare feature making it possible to observe all types of surfaces with suitable lighting and a clean result. This is a very useful function for observing highly reflective metal parts.
  • A noise reduction allowing to obtain a clear and sharp photo or video, without traces or defects which can disturb the reading of the saved file.
  • A negative mode that darkens the light parts and vice versa. This mode is used to highlight details, making it easier to spot the defects in a part.
  • A white balance, a setting that corrects the color cast of an image depending on the lighting in order to improve its quality and obtain a result as close as possible to reality.

With the PRO GX videoscope, record what you see.

Détection d'une fissure avec le vidéoscope PRO GX
Crack detection
Inspection d'une pièce métallique avec le vidéoscope PRO GX
Inspection of a metal part
Photo d'une soudure suite à une inspection avec le vidéoscope PRO GX
Weld inspection

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