Bipol Birkenstock
3 Rue de Saint Rémi
51430 Bezannes
Bipol Birkenstock
3 Rue de Saint Rémi
51430 Bezannes
Bipol and Bipol Camera App’s developer take your privacy very seriously. Bipol Camera App Android application don’t use any tracking system or any third-party analytics tool. Bipol logs no information on you or on your usage of the application.
Bipol Camera App may access your photos and camera only after permission is granted. This is required for the application to save photos and videos in your device. This access can be removed at any time in the applications setting’s menu. Bipol Camera App does not collect or store photos or videos, nor any personal information. Photos and Videos are not transmitted outside the app.
Bipol Camera App does not collect, transmit, distribute, or sell your data.
We are here to assist you from:
Monday to Friday
from 8am to 12pm and 1pm to 5pm.
Founded in 1971, our company follows its customers for 50 years. Specialized initially in the field of abrasive, micro burrs and polishing products, our company has developed an expertise in other fields of activites. Working with customers throughout Europe and around the world, BIPOL is renowned for its quality of service, products durability and customer advice.