PRO B videoscope

Customizable high definition videoscope | from Ø 0.8mm.

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PRO B videoscope
Customizable high definition videoscope | from Ø 0.8mm.

The BIPOL PRO B videoscope is a light (0.6kg/1.32lb), compact fully portable system made of a high resolution 720P CMOS camera mounted on an articulated probe with 4-way articulation. This videoscope has a large 5.0” high resolution color screen ideal for visualizing the smallest details of your inspection. Powerful fiber optic illumination improves the quality of images and videos, providing optimal working comfort.

Versatile and customizable, the videoscope has interchangeable probes that can be exchanged in just a few seconds. This allows you to choose the features that best suit your needs and to use a single videoscope for multiple inspections, avoiding clutter when traveling.

• Available diameters: 0.8 – 0.95 – 1.2 – 1.8 – 2.8 – 3.9 – & 6.0mm.
• For 2.8 – 3.9 & 6.0mm probes 2 directions of vision are available 0° or 90°.
A 0° and 90° dual vision probe is available in 3.9mm and 6.0mm to inspect straight ahead and to the sides (for welding inspection for example)
• Working lengths allow inspections up to 30m (Ø 6.0mm).

Images and videos can be easily recorded with a button on the handle of the videoscope. A 32 GB Micro SD card can record 32,000 images or 500 hours of video. An HDMI output allows you to connect the videoscope to an external monitor for full screen viewing of live images. The removable rechargeable battery provides 4 hours of autonomy.

Associated sectors
Maintenance of jet engines, motors, turbines, and airframes for airplanes and helicopters.
Boosters, electronics, satellites, subassemblies, assembling and maintenance. Inspection of turbines, blades, restrictors, PT6, CFM-LEAP-1A...
Security Forces
Police, Armed Forces, Secret Services, Gendarmerie, NATO, Customs, Border Police.
Nuclear and Energy Production
Heat exchanger, turbines, power generators, piping, vessels
Industrial Process
CAT IV high votlage inspections, pipes inspections, nondestructive testing, casting parts, ventilation shafts, pipeline and sewer inspections, valve seats inspections and much more.
Inspection of cylinder covers and valves, pistons and combustion chambers, gearboxes, fuel injectors, exhaust manifolds, electric motors, reduction gears, cooling systems...
Inspection of cylinders of diesel engines and generator sets.


" Is the videoscope Wi-Fi compatible ? "
" Is the videoscope Wi-Fi compatible ? "
The videoscope is compatible with Android devices. The application allows the sharing of the inspection in live mode and the direct recording of photos or video.
" Are probes interchangeable ? "
" Are probes interchangeable ? "
Yes, our probes are all interchangeable. You can therefore quickly switch from one diameter, length or direction of vision to another according to your needs.

Data Sheets




Wi-Fi function



The PRO B videoscope features a Wi-Fi module compatible with Android devices through the dedicated Bipol application: Bipol Stream Launcher, available on the Google Play Store or downloadable here.

The application allows you to view the ongoing inspection from your device (smartphone or tablet). For proper functionality, VLC Media Player must be installed on your device beforehand.

Not all PRO B videoscopes are equipped with the Wi-Fi module. If you wish to upgrade your device, please contact us to return the equipment for updating.

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